# Alerts

The v-alert component is used to convey important information to the user through the use of contextual types, icons, and colors. These default types come in 4 variations: success, info, warning, and error. Default icons are assigned which help represent different actions each type portrays. Many parts of an alert such as border, icon, and color can also be customized to fit almost any situation.

# Usage

Alerts in their simplest form are flat sheets of paper that display a message.


# Examples

# Props

# Border

The border prop adds a simple border to one of the 4 sides of the alert. This can be combined with props like color, dark, and type to provide unique accents to the alert.

# Colored border

The colored-border prop removes the alert background in order to accent the border prop. If a type is set, it will use the type’s default color. If no color or type is set, the color will default to the inverted color of the applied theme (black for light and white/gray for dark).

# Dense

The dense prop decreases the height of the alert to create a simple and compact style. When combined with the border prop, the border thickness will be decreased to stay consistent with the style.

# Dismissible

The dismissible prop adds a close button to the end of the alert component. Clicking this button will set its value to false and effectively hide the alert. You can restore the alert by binding v-model and setting it to true. The close icon automatically has an aria-label applied that can be changed by modifying the close-label prop or changing close value in your locale. For more information on how to global modify your locale settings, navigate to the Internationalization page.

# Icon

The icon prop allows you to add an icon to the beginning of the alert component. If a type is provided, this will override the default type icon. Additionally, setting the icon prop to false will remove the icon altogether.

# Outlined

The outlined prop inverts the style of an alert, inheriting the currently applied color, applying it to the text and border, and making its background transparent.

# Prominent

The prominent prop provides a more pronounced alert by increasing the height and applying a halo to the icon. When applying both prominent and dense together, the alert will take on the appearance of a normal alert but with the prominent icon effects.

# Text

The text prop is a simple alert variant that applies a reduced opacity background of the provided color. Similar to other styled props, text can be combined with other props like dense, prominent, outlined, and shaped to create a unique and customized component.

# Shaped

The shaped prop will add border-radius at the top-left and bottom-right of the alert. Similar to other styled props, shaped can be combined with other props like dense, prominent, outlined and text to create a unique and customized component

# Transition

The transition prop allows you to apply a transition to the alert which is viewable when the component hides and shows. For more information, you can check out any of Vuetify’s prebuilt transitions or review how to create your own.

# Twitter

By combining color, dismissible, border, elevation, icon, and colored-border props, you can create stylish custom alerts such as this Twitter notification.

# Type

The type prop provides 4 default v-alert styles: success, info, warning, and error. Each of these styles provides a default icon and color. The default colors can be configured globally by customizing Vuetify’s theme.

# Accessibility

By default, v-alert components are assigned the WAI-ARIA role of alert which denotes that the alert “is a live region with important and usually time-sensitive information.” When using the dismissible prop, the close icon will receive a corresponding aria-label. This value can be modified by changing either the close-label prop or globally through customizing the Internationalization’s default value for the close property.

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Last updated:06/30/2020, 9:14:03 AM