# Data tables

The v-data-table component is used for displaying tabular data. Features include sorting, searching, pagination, content-editing, and row selection.

# Usage

The standard data-table will by default render your data as simple rows.


# Examples

# Props

# Custom filter

You can override the default filtering used with search prop by supplying a function to the custom-filter prop. If you need to customize the filtering of a specific column, you can supply a function to the filter property on header items. The signature is (value: any, search: string | null, item: any) => boolean. This function will always be run even if search prop has not been provided. Thus you need to make sure to exit early with a value of true if filter should not be applied.

# Dense

Using the dense prop you are able to give your data tables an alternate style.

# Filterable

You can easily disable specific columns from being included when searching through table rows by setting the property filterable to false on the header item(s). In the example below the dessert name column is no longer searchable.

# Grouping

Using the group-by and group-desc props you can group rows on an item property. The show-group-by prop will show a group button in the default header. You can use the groupable property on header items to disable the group button.

# Loading

You can use the loading prop to indicate that data in the table is currently loading. If there is no data in the table, a loading message will also be displayed. This message can be customized using the loading-text prop or the loading slot.

# Multi sort

Using the multi-sort prop will enable you to sort on multiple columns at the same time. When enabled, you can pass arrays to both sort-by and sort-desc to programmatically control the sorting, instead of single values.

# Row selection

The show-select prop will render a checkbox in the default header to toggle all rows, and a checkbox for each default row. You can customize these with the slots header.data-table-select and item.data-table-select respectively. You can also switch between allowing multiple selected rows at the same time or just one with the single-select prop.

# Slots

The v-data-table provides a large number of slots for customizing the table. This example showcases some of these slots and what you can do with each. It is important to note some slot (eg: item/body/header) will completely takes over the internal rendering of the component which will require you to re-implement functionalities such as selection and expansion. Some slots will override each other such as: body > item > item.<name> and header/header.<name>.

# Item

You can use the dynamic slots item.<name> to customize only certain columns. <name> is the name of the value property in the corresponding header item sent to headers. So to customize the calories column we’re using the item.calories slot.

# Simple checkbox

When wanting to use a checkbox component inside of a slot template in your data tables, use the v-simple-checkbox component rather than the v-checkbox component. The v-simple-checkbox component is used internally and will respect header alignment.

# Misc

# CRUD Actions

v-data-table with CRUD actions using a v-dialog component for editing each row

# Edit dialog

The v-edit-dialog component can be used for editing data directly within a v-data-table. You can block the closing of the v-edit-dialog when clicked outside by adding the persistent prop.

# Expandable rows

The show-expand prop will render an expand icon on each default row. You can customize this with the item.data-table-expand slot. The position of this slot can be customized by adding a column with value: 'data-table-expand' to the headers array. You can also switch between allowing multiple expanded rows at the same time or just one with the single-expand prop. The expanded rows are available on the synced prop expanded.sync. Row items require a unique key property for expansion to work. The default is id, but you can use the item-key prop to specify a different item property.

# External pagination

Pagination can be controlled externally by using the individual props, or by using the options prop. Remember that you must apply the .sync modifier.

# External sorting

Sorting can also be controlled externally by using the individual props, or by using the the options prop. Remember that you must apply the .sync modifier.

# Server-side paginate and sort

If you’re loading data already paginated and sorted from a backend, you can use the server-items-length prop. Defining this prop will disable the built-in sorting and pagination, and you will instead need to use the available events (update:page, update:sortBy, update:options, etc) to know when to request new pages from your backend. Use the loading prop to display a progress bar while fetching data.

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Last updated:07/06/2020, 1:12:04 PM